Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Better Week

This has been a much better week than last.  My sister has continued to improve daily.  Although she developed pneumonia and now has a trach, she is doing much better.  I can not express how ready I am for her to be home and for everythign to be back to normal.  All the time I find myself thinking of something I need to tell her and picking up the phone, only to realize that I can't call or talk to her.  :( 

Next week is my Spring Break.  It seems like I have been waiting on it forever.  I can't wait to be able to go back and visit my sister and my family.  I also hope to get a lot of quilting and crafting done during this time.

Tank's picture face.  He always scrunches up his nose and pulls back his ears. 

Yesterday, I was able to spend a little "me" time.  First on the agenda was to find a bathing suit.  I thought this would be a horrible task and take me forever.  Luckily, I went to the new outlet and love the first suit I tried on.  I didn't mind paying more for a suit this year because since we are so close to the beack, I know we will have lots of visitors over the summer and it will be put to good use. 

Tucker and the "Plush Pig"

Also on the agenda was a visit to Barnes and Noble.  I have been waiting all week for this day!  This week was Teacher Appreciation Week and I got a good discount on things not only for my classroom, but also for me!  I bought two books about knitting as well as an older Pat Conroy book.  I can not wait to be able to go out to the pool and beach and just read (By the way....our pool opened yesterday!!!).

My books.  I can't wait to get started on them!

I am loving this time of year (Spring Break, the weather, the pool) and I can't wait until summer when I can relax and have "me" days much more frequently. 

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